ROHA Software Support GmbH
Your software expert in business intelligence and output management for IBM i.
Company history
The company was founded in 1986 by Wolfgang M. Roser with a focus on the development and programming of commercial applications for IBM i (then AS/400). Over the years, we have continuously expanded our product range to meet the growing demands of our customers and the market. Since 1997, with "SpoolMaster", we have been one of the leading providers of output management solutions for IBM i, particularly in the D-A-CH region and worldwide. Business Intelligence solutions were added. As an official Qlik® Solution Provider, we provide our customers with customized BI solutions. ROHA has been part of Axians ICT Austria since 2018 and combines a wide range of IT solutions and consulting services under one roof.
Year founded - Focus is on the development and programming of commercial business applications for IBM i (AS/400).
Expansion of the range of services to include network technology, IT support and IT consulting.
SpoolMaster enriches the portfolio. The IBM i (AS/400) market still has no idea that this solution will establish itself as the number 1 output management system.
ROHA moves to the location Ameisgasse 49-51, Vienna 1140.
Entry into the business intelligence consulting business with Qlik as the leading solution.
The 500th SpoolMaster customer installation is completed.
For the first time, ROHA serves more than 600 individual customers in a single financial year.
ROHA becomes part of the Axians ICT Austria Group.
ROHA completes 650th Qlik project
ROHA grows to 25 employees and continues its steady growth path.
First ROHA Software Programmer Academy starts in January 2023!
ROHA relocates to Guglgasse 15, 1110 Vienna
ROHA in figures
Clients we support
Employees at the Vienna location
Partner companies in various business areas
We have been dealing with IT solutions since 1986